Monday, January 27, 2020
A Room With A View | Analysis
A Room With A View | Analysis In the opening of the novel Forster presents repression within the English class system leading to a life with no view which is represented by the fact that Lucy and Charlotte did not get the rooms overlooking the Arno that they expected. Charlotte represents the stiff and conventional society that is holding Lucy back. Charlottes protecting embrace gave Lucy the sensation of fog. She wants Lucy to behave in a ladylike way and wants her to avoid any improper behaviour with young men. Charlotte holds Lucy back from expressing her true emotions with George Emerson perhaps because of being humiliated herself in a love affair many years ago. I have met the type before. They seldom keep their exploits to themselves. This has prevented Charlotte from seeing that true love exists and so presents to Lucy the complete picture of a cheerless, loveless world with no view. Forster also shows the reader that there are romantic features hidden inside her. This is shown when she secretly tells Miss Lavish about George and Lucys kiss who then proceeds to write her novel about it. This same repression is seen with Lucy who plays her piano with passion showing that only through her music can Lucy truly express herself otherwise she is just an ordinary conventional girl. If Miss Honeychurch ever takes to live as she plays, it will be very exciting (p30) Mr Beebe is waiting for the moment when Lucy can break free from Charlotte and lead a more bold and daring life. When Lucy returns to her home in England the drawing room curtains at Windy Corner had been pulled to meet for the carpet was new and deserved protection from the August sun. They were heavy curtains, reaching almost to the ground, and the light that filtered through them was subdued and varied. The drawing room curtains protect the furniture from the damaging rays of the sun, just as Lucy has been protected in Italy by Charlotte. There is no view and the light has been blocked. This symbolises how Lucy is repressed and prevented from seeing the true nature of life. They are denied the beauty of a view. Cecil also attempts to protect Lucy with his confining ideas. Cecils attitude towards women is arrogant and dismissive: he treats Lucys ideas as if they are of feminine inconsequence and wants her to conform to an image of a Leonardo painting of mystery and quietness, in which he is always dominant. When Lucy thinks of Cecil its always in a room and one with no view (p99). This illustrates how Cecil is repressing Lucys feelings, providing her with a life of monotony and so preventing her seeing the true view of life. Forster uses Italy to awaken Lucy to new ways of thinking and the opening up of windows to view the world. The well-known world had broken up, and there emerged Florence, a magical city where people thought and did the most extraordinary things that has the power, perhaps to evoke passions, good and bad, and bring them to speedy fulfilment (p51). Italy is uninhibited by class restrictions and this sensation of equality and freedom shakes the foundations of Lucys previous view of the world. It is a place where anything can happen. Lucys view on life initially begins to open up by George and Mr Emerson swapping rooms. I have a view, I have a viewThis is my sonhis names George. He has a view, too. Mr Emerson is speaking of their views of the river, but the Forster intends the text to have a double meaning. The Emersons view has to do with more than the quality of their rooms and Forster implies a metaphorical meaning in that the Emersons have a superior view of life which is much freer and more exciting. Miss Lavish takes her Baedeker guidebook and subsequently loses her in Santo Croce when for one ravishing moment Italy appeared to Lucy. Inside the church he meets the Emersons who show her how to enjoy the church by following her heart not by her guidebook. Their philosophic view helps Lucy in her exploration of her own life and the world. The pernicious charm of Italy worked on her, and instead of acquiring information, she began to be happy. Furthermore when Lucy witnesses the murder and the Italian falls at her feet she is overwhelmed the spontaneity of the incident. When she regains consciousness after fainting and is rescued by George, she realises that she as well as the dying man, had crossed some spiritual boundary. Lucy begins to realise that her image of the world based on how others think she should be is being replaced by spontaneous reaction and raw instinct. A new view is opening up for her. She contemplated the River Arno, whose roar was suggesting some unexpected melody to her ears. This view of the river symbolises the great change inside Lucy and the journey to find her true view of life. Lucy however is not reborn into a passionate woman until she is kissed by George. The view was forming at last. Forster is showing how Lucys discovery of her view mirrors her personal discovery. Her experiences in Italy change her, giving her new eyes to view the world, and a view of her own soul as well. Finally Lucy at lasts gains freedom to look out of windows. She is able to see clearly what she wants from life. George tells her that Cecil only sees her as an object to be admired and will never love her enough to grant her independence, while George loves her for who she truly is. Conventional, Cecil, youre that, for you may understand beautiful things, but you dont know how to use them; and you wrap yourself up in art and books and music, and would try to wrap up me. I wont be stifled, not by the most glorious music, for people are more glorious, and you hide them from me. She then breaks off her engagement with Cecil and in doing this she breaks the social code of society. A last minute meeting with Mr Emerson convinces Lucy to admit and act upon her love for George. How he managed to strengthen her. It was as if he had made her see the whole of everything at once. At the very end of the novel George and Lucy have eloped and have returned to the same Pension in Italy and look ou t from the same window to the future world. Although they both look out to the same view of Italy it is with a very different view of the world. Georges view has become clear through his relationship with Lucy who has given him a point to his existence and Lucys view has changed both emotionally and by breaking away from her social class. They both have a literal and metaphorical room with a view one that involves living for the moment and not simply for society. In conclusion Forsters title A Room with a View is very affective because through Lucys eyes we have strayed through the streets of Florence and returned slightly changed, unable to look at the world in the same old way. We all need the room to express our personal truths and the openness and freedom to love that the views in Forsters novel represent.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
American History: 1912 Election
The Presidential Election of 1912 was called one of the most important and memorable elections as well as one of the most dramatic events in American history. The election was remarkable because there were four candidates the representatives of four different parties that sought the presidency that year. It was William Howard Taft from Republican Party, Theodore Roosevelt representing the newly organized Bull Moose Progressives Party after the split in his own Republican Party, then Democrat Woodrow Wilson and Eugene Debs from Socialist Party.One of the main issues of that time reflected in the Party Platforms was tariffs and anti-trust legislation. Republican Party tariff policy was aimed to protect American industries and economy. It was said in the platform â€Å"the import duties should be high enough, while yielding a sufficient revenue, to protect adequately American industries and wages†(â€Å"Political Party Platforms in 1912†), and only â€Å"Some of the exis ting import duties are too high, and should be reduced†(â€Å"Political Party Platforms in 1912†).Republicans were expecting to get enough revenue to the budget and still stuck to the protectionism policy. As for the anti-trust legislation Republicans insisted on â€Å"the enactment of legislation supplementary to the existing anti-trust act which will define as criminal offences those specific acts that uniformly mark attempts to restrain and to monopolize trade†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (â€Å"Political Party Platforms in 1912†).Progressive Party declared in the platform that it was necessary to reduce tariff as unjust to the citizens of the country and that the party â€Å" is committed to the destruction of the protective system through a tariff for revenue onlyâ€â€a policy which would inevitably produce widespread industrial and commercial disaster†(â€Å"Political Party Platforms in 1912†). While discussing the anti-trust legislation during the conv ention the conflict aroused.Roosevelt suggested federal regulation of the trusts but he had no support eventually this issue was deleted from the platform. Democrats considered â€Å"the high Republican tariff is the principal cause of the unequal distribution of wealth; it is a system of taxation which makes the rich richer and the poor poorer†(â€Å"Political Party Platforms in 1912†) thus they insisted on the reduction of the tariff and limiting the Federal Government to â€Å"collect tariff duties, except for the purpose of revenue†(â€Å"Political Party Platforms in 1912†).Concerning the Anti-Trust Law democrats strived to cancel the amendments to the Sherman anti-trust law in order to re-establish it in its original version to make it more efficient. Socialists were close to the reformists and they believed in the significance of tariff revision and in the importance of anti-trust legislation. Also the goal of the platform was to struggle for equa l political and democratic rights for the laboring class (Socialist Party. National Campaign Book).The point is that it was crisis of the Republican government that had been supporting the conservative course. The country was in bad need for reforms so the government had had to change the policy. Conservative Republicans had not realized the necessity of the reformation and despite the great support William Taft had lost a chance to be re-elected for the second term. Socialists gained the extreme popularity but it was not enough to win. But still Eugene Debs got more than 6% of the total votes and it was incredible success of the Socialist Party.The main struggle was between Roosevelt and Wilson. Their platforms were similar so it was even a suggestion from the progressives to give up in favour of Wilson but Roosevelt refused to quit without struggle. Woodrow Wilson won by getting about 42% of the total votes. Together Taft and Roosevelt get more than 50% of the total votes it means that Roosevelt had a real possibility to be elected had he been the Republican party nominee for the presidency. Personally I would have voted for Roosevelt because he was charismatic personality and the great leader.He was more flexible than Wilson in the policy and was smart enough to comprehend the importance of the changes. The history would have changed if Theodore Roosevelt had been elected for his third term. BIBLIOGRAPHY Political Party Platforms in 1912. 12 October 2004 http://www. presidency. ucsb. edu/showplatforms. php? platindex=D1912 Presidential elections: 1872-1912. 12 October 2004 http://www. apstudents. com/ushistory/outline. php Republican Party History. 12 October 2004 http://www. gop. org/history. html Socialist Party. National Campaign Book. Chicago, p. 3.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Happieness and Success
Happiness to me may be different from what another person may deem as happiness and what success means to me may be different from what another person may deem as success. Happiness and success Is as different to everyone as there are different people In the world. But we all need to ask ourselves â€Å"what Is It that would truly make me happy and what do I need to do to ensure that I am successful? †This is a personal responsibility question that we all need to ask of ourselves at one point in our lives.Herman Cain puts it best saying â€Å"Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. †As a young child and as an only child growing up in Southern California while raised by a single mother I learned a lot and came to realize a few things throughout the years. Out of everything I learned throughout my life one of the things that impacted me the most was watching my mother wake up every day going to work doing a Job that she wasn't happy with doing.A Job she did out of personal spontaneously to me, to provide and to take care of me which I truly appreciate to this day. While watching her do this day In and day out, year In and year out I told myself that â€Å"l do not want to be like that when I get older, I want to be happy with the job that I am doing, no matter what it is, as long as I am happy doing it. †To me being happy with your job is the real measure of success. Alexander Jarful states in his article that, â€Å"you should start by liking what you do.The single most efficient way to increase your productivity is to be happy at work. No system, tool or methodology in the world can beat the productivity boost you get from really, really enjoying your work†. As it was my mother's personal responsibility to take care of me, it's my personal responsibility to be happy and succeed in everything that I do. Now this hasn't always been the case for me while growing up but as I have gotten older and gained more responsibility the more I strive to apply what I have learned to make It happen and apply what I have learned In my dally life.Alexander Jarful gives a list of the 10 most Important reasons why happiness tit your work is the number one productivity booster and these are his 10 reasons:†nappy people work netter wilt toners, nappy people are more creative, nappy people fix problems instead of complaining about them, happy people have more energy, happy people are more optimistic, happy people are way more motivated, happy people get sick less often, happy people learn faster, happy people worry less about making mistakes and consequently make fewer mistakes and happy people make better decisions†.Now those sound like some pretty compelling reasons on why Ewing happy is so important to have when it comes to the Job that one may have. I think it is imperative to try and be happy with work because it clearly affects one's well-being, one's health and one's relationships with friends and coworkers. How could one not be successful while being happy with work? I don't think it's possible. Happiness breeds success and the level of success one has is up to them. Just don't lose happiness as success is gained. I feel it is up to me to make it my goal to be happy with my career.To be happy ND a success later in life with my goals lay out in front of me. I need to have success in college first and try to be happy while going to school, let's face it school is not always the most fun thing to do but I can at least try to be happy doing it. By keeping in mind the end goal which the end goal is graduation so I can really start the process to doing a Job/career I can truly be happy in doing. To me being able to wake up every day being happy or to look forward to going to work would be one of the greatest things I can do in my life.By me being happy in what I'm doing will trickle own to every aspect of my life; from my business, to my family and being successful and making money will all stem from the happiness in my life and career. I want my son to look at me one day and say to his-self â€Å"l want to be like my dad when I grow up. I want to be happy with work and life Just like him. †I want for him to learn from my mistakes as I learned from my mother's mistakes. I also want him to learn from the right decisions that I made in my life. It's my personal responsibility to be successful for myself my family and to be happy while doing it.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Freedom and responsibility - 2848 Words
INTRODUCTION AND INDEX In this paper I have discussed the free will of human mind and their freedom in choice of action. It is said that we are responsible for our actions that we do out of our free will, thus I have discussed freedom of human mind and the responsibility that comes to us with the freedom of will. There are some doctrines in philosophy that opposes free will saying that all our actions are dependent on certain predetermined causes and thus no human is free to exercise his free will. I have written some points in favour and in against of the responsibility factor that is attached to free will and then I have also pointed out with the help of certain readings the existence and non existence of free will in this paper by my†¦show more content†¦In fact there are some situations in which people are bound to react in a certain way, they actually don’t have any control over their action or reaction in such cases. For example, when I am really angry at someone and I have lost my t emper, then I might not know in that situation that what I am doing is right or wrong, I might shout at that person in anger which is bound to happen. Thus free will of a person doesn’t work in such situations. Law of causality: the cause decides the result. Everything in thing in this world is dependent on some cause as we know through the law of causality. There are certain causes for certain effects, thus when we already have causes for every effect where does the place remains for free will. Hence the act of will like every event of the world is enmeshed in the causal nexus. Theological: It states that God is the cause of everything in this world. He determines our actions, for, he has the knowledge of our actions and he alone is free in this universe, he is the creator and knower of all things. However atheist might not agree to this point of view. For them theological grounds of determinism won’t work. 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